Tuesday, June 27, 2006

In Case of Death


Everything is ephemeral, rip what you find useful from this hardware (physical body included) and do with the rest what you deem will serve humanity the best.

Mark my grave, or urn inconspicuously —it’s organic compost anyway. The most precious of things are what we experience from one minute to the next; everything else is forming and decaying.

If I’m gone—I’m gone. I’m neither happier or saddened, I’m neither in heaven or hell, but believe what you may if it makes you feel better, or if it helps you sleep at night—your peace of mind is of utmost importance, not mine.

Friday, March 04, 2005

my first post

its my first post! WOOT!
so lets get somethings clear and out of the way:
1. this is my little world, and if i choose not to dot my i's or cross my t's, i may, period, go find your own playland.
2. the title is just metaphorical, the world isnt my oyster, and i'm not a vegan, though i'd like to marry one someday, a vegan, not an oyster.
3. .... err..... i improvise, and life is a work in progress.
4. i'll die someday-- some people may hope sooner than later-- and when i do, i hope this blog isnt the only thing i'm proud of that im leaving behind.